Leadership in Catholic Higher EducatioN
Administrative Leadership in Catholic higher education:
Provost and Academic Vice President at Benedictine University (awarded rank of Professor). Five years in this role, liaison to abbey and religious order in Chicago, brought College of Professional Studies into existence, established a College of Science, implemented protocols associated with Ex Corde Eccleasias.
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Director of the Center for Strategic Leadership (awarded rank of Associate Professor) at the University of San Francisco (Jesuit). Seventeen years in this role which included serving as liaison to Provincial leaders, the American Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, and numerous Catholic secondary schools in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Experience working with Catholic Colleges and Universities/Hospitals as an accreditor, consultant for long range planning, institutional transition, human resources, program development (including joint degree development with international partners in Asia and Europe) shared governance, and consultation with religious orders, working with the following Catholic colleges, universities, and hospitals:
In California: St. Mary’s, Dominican College, Notre Dame College, Holy Names College, University of San Diego, Valley of the Queen Hospital.
Midwest: University of Dubuque, Loyola University, College of Saint Mary; Saint Xavier University.
Northeast; Providence College, Boston College, Saint Michael’s College.
Scholarship Related to Catholic Higher Education (Ethics in Catholic Colleges, Ex Corde Eccleasias, Leadership, Organizational Transition, Conflict Resolution, Human Resources)
Research on Leadership in Catholic Colleges and Universities, published in “Current Issues in Catholic Higher Education”, Fall 2005; Human Resource Management in Religiously Affiliated Colleges and Universities, published by CUPA/HR, 1991.
Presentations on Leadership, Institutional Transition, Ex Corde Eccleasias at; University of Notre Dame, Calumet College of St. Joseph, Regis University, Marymount College, and the Universidad Catolica San Antonio, Spain, where I currently serve on the faculty and lecture on US and European relations.