Accomplishments as Director of the Center for Higher Education, Teachers College, Columbia University (1976-1978)
The Center for Higher Education was an independent research and publishing center at Teachers College, Columbia University. The CHE published over forty books on higher education and world affairs and was funded by Columbia University and the Kellogg Foundation. I served as the last director of the Center which has since been transformed to focus on Community and Junior Colleges.
Wrote grants and initiated partnerships with other academic units at the university which resulted in new revenue for the center; was awarded a Kellogg Fellowship for this work.
Initiated studies on administration and leadership in community colleges and two-year systems.
Taught classes advised graduate students in the Institute for Not-for-Profit Management at the Graduate School of Business.
Re-catalogued and organized the entire library, marketed books and monographs.
Engaged in collaborative research efforts with departmental and university faculty, one of which (the late Margaret K. Chandler) resulted in an initial $2 million start-up grant from the Ford Foundation to establish the National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions. The Center is now located at Hunter College, CUNY.