Dr. Pablo S. Blesa Aledo
Vice Rector of International Relations and Communication, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, España.
"Daniel Julius teaches in our International Graduate Program at UCAM. His historical perspective and contemporary understanding of the geopolitical realities that shape U.S. European relations is significant He is an expert teacher and communicator, as well as a recognized expert in the field of international higher education. I have benefited from his wise counsel over the last 25 years."
Kathy Alvino
Former Vice President for Human Resources, Providence College
"Dan Julius is one of the most knowledgeable, insightful, and considerate Human Resources professionals I have had the good fortune to work with over the years. His advice and guidance have been invaluable."
Dr. James Baron
William S. Beinecke Professor of Management (and Professor of Sociology, by courtesy), Yale School of Management
"Dan Julius is a preeminent expert on labor management relations in the United States, especially in higher education, where he has done extensive work as both a research scholar and practitioner. He is a skilled, engaging, and effective presenter to diverse audiences. He has at his command a wealth of leadership experience and insight derived from having occupied numerous senior roles in college and university academic administration."
Dr. James Bean
Chair, Board of Trustees, Harvey Mudd College. Former Provost at the University of Oregon and Northeastern University
George W. Casey, Jr.
U.S. Army General (Four Star) and Army Chief of Staff (retired); Distinguished Visiting Lecturer of Leadership, S.C. Johnson College of Business, Cornell University
Dr. Rudolph Crew
Clinical Professor, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California. Former Positions, President, Medgar Evers College, CUNY, Chancellor New York City Public School System, Superintendent, Miami Public School System
"I have worked with Dan for many years and consider him a good friend and advisor. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, initiating and implementing international and domestic partnerships, program and institutional assessment, facilitating shared governance and other collaborative decision-making bodies. Quite candidly, he has a rare gift, a combination of common sense, empathy, political acumen, and significant experience in educational administration. I have found his counsel invaluable."
Tamara T. Cunningham
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Global Initiatives, University of California, San Diego
Dr. Alison Davis-Blake
Executive Leadership Fellow, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. Former Dean of Business, University of Michigan and University of Minnesota, Former President, Bentley University
"I have known Dr. Daniel Julius for many years, most recently having hired him to work collaboratively with faculty on the development of new faculty and HR policies. During this time, he also facilitated a leadership retreat for the faculty and staff Provost's Office where they established frameworks and set priorities for their work. Dan brings a rich mix of experience to all of his engagements. He is an accomplished researcher, having published on many of the topics on which he consults. But, he also brings practical experience as a Senior Vice President and Provost to his work. This unique mix of a strong theoretical orientation with years of leadership experience makes Dan an incredibly grounded, creative, and practical partner for anyone looking to address complex issues related to faculty affairs, collective bargaining, and leadership. In the increasingly competitive and dynamic world of higher education, Dan Julius is the advisor you want to have in your corner."
Nicholas DiGiovanni,ESQ.
Managing Partner, Morgan, Brown & Joy, LLP
"I have known Dan Julius for nearly 45 years and represented institutions and systems where he was a systemwide senior leader. We have worked together as research collaborators on labor management relations, negotiations, and higher education management. He is nationally recognized as an experienced employer representative, consultant, and scholar. I have benefited immeasurably through my interaction and work with Dan, and I am aware of many others who feel similarly."
Brian Fijal
Former Associate Vice President, and Director of Management Programs, Center for Higher Education for Research and Development (CHERD), University of Manitoba
"I have known and worked with Dan for years. In addition to respecting his knowledge and experience, I regard him as a good friend. Dan has an extensive background in higher education and collective bargaining. As a result of his experience as a professor and practitioner, he has a rare and unique understanding of the relationship between labor management relationships and institutional effectiveness. He is an engaging and effective speaker who relates well to diverse audiences. Dan worked extensively in Canada for years as a workshop leader, consultant, and teacher in highly successful national programs and on many campuses. He is a valuable asset to a senior management team."
Dr. Antonio R. Flores
President and CEO, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)
"On behalf of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU), I want to thank you for conducting a webinar on the topic of Advocacy in Higher Education Settings for members of the fifth cohort of our Leadership Academy/La Academia de Liderazgo. Your presentation was well received, and our Fellows will certainly benefit from your insights.
We appreciate your ongoing support of this important initiative and look forward to your continued involvement in our professional leadership programs.
Again, thank you for your participation in this year's La Academia de Liderazgo program."
Dr. Eric M. Friedman
President, Bergen Community College
Dr. Joseph Glover
Former Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, University of Florida
"Your skills as a labor negotiator, strategist, and tactician have been very helpful to me for over more than a decade. I have always found you to be a keen observer of peoples’ motivations and a shrewd observer of circumstances, two talents that have served you and us well in formulating labor contract proposals and negotiating at the bargaining table. I also appreciate your willingness to share your expertise with my staff and your collegial approach in everything that you do. Your deep familiarity with the national labor management network has also been helpful in our efforts to recruit staff for our local labor relations needs."
Dr. Tito Guerrero, III
Director, La Academia de Liderazgo, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
Mark Hamilton
U.S, Army General (Two Star) (retired); President Emeritus, University of Alaska System
Vance Ikezoye
President and CEO of Audible Magic Corporation
"Dan helped us develop our sales approach and program to higher education. With his experience as a university educator and administrator, his insights were invaluable. He worked closely with our sales and marketing teams to develop sales strategies. He is also unusual in his ability to provide a bridge between the commercial and technical world and higher education."
Dr. Mitch Leventhal
Professor of Professional Practice & Entrepreneurship, University at Albany-SUNY. Former Vice Chancellor for Global Affairs, State University of New York
Dr. Lee Lu
Professor and Associate Dean, Assumption University, Thailand, Founder, Asia OD Network
"Dr. Julius’ experience developing and implementing international partnerships and joint degree programs is significant. He relates well to diverse constituencies and groups throughout Asia. We have worked collaboratively in Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan and very extensively throughout the People’s Republic of China. I value his business acumen, common sense, and innovative approach."
​Dr. Terrence MacTaggart
Former Chancellor, University of Maine System, Minnesota State University System
Paul Melaragno, MD, FAAOS
Orthopedic Surgeon, Orthopedic ONE, Columbus Ohio
"I have known Dan Julius for several years. He is an excellent scholar and practitioner, engaging lecturer, and very knowledgeable about the impact of unionization on health care delivery in the U. S. I have found his insights, observations, and advice to be superb."
Kathleen Mullen
Vice President, MSK Design Build, Walnut Creek, California
"Dan, we can’t thank you enough for taking the time to share your knowledge and experience with our team. Feedback has been great! We appreciate your assistance in helping the guys get to the next level."
William Neff,Esq.
Former Vice Chancellor, University of California, San Francisco Medical Center
I have known and worked with Daniel Julius for over forty years. He is one of the most knowledgeable, practical and ethical professionals in the labor relations, management, and human resources field. He is particularly effective in highly politicized organizational settings. I would trust his intellect and judgement without hesitation.
Dr. Jelena Petrovic
Principal Enterprise Fellow and Associate Professor of Strategic Leadership,University of Southa​mpton, United Kingdom
"Dr. Julius is an internationally known scholar in the areas of Labor Relations and Human Resources Management. His work has influenced my thinking and my research and I continue to value his insights and views on these and related subjects."
Pamela S. Silverblatt
Former Senior Vice Chancellor for Labor Relations, City University of New York
"Dan Julius is a preeminent scholar and practitioner. He understands how things get done in systems and has a keen grasp on factors that determine when leaders succeed or fail. His advice over the years has been invaluable."
Dr. Ken Wilcox
CEO Emeritus, Silicon Valley Bank, and Chair of Asia Society of Northern California
Dr. Margaret E. Winters
Former Provost and Professor Emerita French and Linguistics, Wayne State University
Liesl K. Zwicklbauer, Esq.
Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Counsel for Employee Relations, The State University of New York