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Edited Publications


  • Julius, D. J., Ed.  Collective Bargaining in Higher Education: Best Practices for Promoting Collaboration, Equity, and Measurable Outcomes. Routledge Press, 2022.

  • Julius, D. J. and Hoffman, A., Eds.  Total Quality Management:  Theory and Practice.  Maryville, MO:  Prescott Publishers, Inc., 1995.

  • Julius, D. J. and Hoffman, A., Eds.  Community and Junior College Management:  Theory and Practice.  Washington, D.C.:  College and University Personnel Association, 1994.

  • Julius, D. J., Ed.  Managing the Industrial Labor Relations Process in Higher Education.  Washington, D.C.:  College and University Personnel Association, 1993.

  • Julius, D. J., Ed.  Collective Bargaining in Higher Education:  The State of the Art.  Washington, D.C.:  College and University Personnel Association, 1984.

  • Julius, D. J. and Dressner, K.  Higher Education Collective Bargaining:  Other than Faculty Personnel (Volumes I and II).  Annotated Bibliographies.  New York:  National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, City University of New York, 1974-1975.

  • Julius, D. J. and Allen, J. C.  Collective Bargaining in Higher Education (Nos. 3 and 4).  Annotated Bibliographies.  New York:  National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, City University of New York, 1974-1975.

Editorial Work


Served as reader/reviewer or member of the editorial board for the following journals/associations.

  • Academic Labor: Research and Artistry 

  • Academy of Management

  • Administrative Science Quarterly

  • American Council of Education

  • Aspen Publishers

  • Association for the Study of Higher Education

  • American Educational Research Association

  • Industrial Relations Research Association

  • International Journal of Emerging Markets

  • Journal of Higher Education

  • Journal of Staff, Program, & Organization Development

  • Labor Studies Journal

  • National Center for Post-Secondary Education, Stanford University

  • National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education/Professions

  • Prescott Publishers

  • Routledge Publishers

  • Small College Creativity

  • Teachers College Press

  • University of Alaska Press

Publication Oversight


Book and Journal editor for the College and University Personnel Association, now CUPA/HR (1985 – 1995). During my term as the Vice President for Publications and Research and later President of the Association. Responsible for serving as Editor of the Association Journal (over forty issues were completed under my direction), the identification of prospective authors, solicitation and editing of book manuscripts, negotiation of payments and marketing of monographs. Work resulted in earnings of over $50,000 a month (in the 1990s) which represented approximately one third of the national association budget during this period. The following books were solicited, written, published and marketed under my direction.


  • Julius, Nancy B.  The Aging Work Force: A Guide for Higher Education.  Washington, D.C.: College and University Personnel Association, 1993.  ISBN: 1-878240-19-6.

  • Dustin, Robert and Associates.  ADA Compliance Manual.  Washington, D.C.: College and University Personnel Association, 1992.  ISBN: 1-878240-20-X.

  • Betts, Lee John.  Energizing and Focusing the Movement: National Organizations Impacting Community, Technical and Junior Colleges.  Washington, D.C.: College and University Personnel Association, 1991.  ISBN: 1-878240-06-4.

  • White, Gloria W. Profiles of Success in the Human Resource Management Profession.  Washington, D.C.: College and University Personnel Association, 1991.  ISBN: 1-878240-03-X.

  • Nicholson-Brown, Barbara, Editor.  Human Resource Management in Religiously Affiliated Institutions.  Washington, D.C.: College and University Personnel Association, 1991.  ISBN: 0-910402-96-5.

  • Miller, Richard I., Editor.  Applying the Deming Method to Higher Education.  Washington, D.C.: College and University Personnel Association, 1991.  ISBN: 0-910402-88-4.

  • DiGiovanni, Nicholas.  Age Discrimination: An Administrator’s Guide.  Washington, D.C.: College and University Personnel Association, 1989.  ISBN: 0-910402-88-4.

  • Alderman, Taylor.  The Right Ball: A Primer for Management Negotiators in Higher Education.  Washington, D.C.: College and University Personnel Association, 1989.  ISBN: 0-910402-83-3.

  • Matteoli, Thomas and McClain, Jackie.  Confronting AIDS on the Campus and in the Classroom.  Washington, D.C.: College and University Personnel Association, 1989.  ISBN: 0-910402-85-X.

  • Hughes, K. Scott.  Managing Organizational Change.  Washington, D.C.: College and University Personnel Association, 1989.  ISBN: 0-910402-92-2.

  • White, Gloria W.  Personnel Program Appraisal Workbook.  Washington, D.C.: College and University Personnel Association, 1989.

  • Scholick, Gary P.  The Interview Guide for Supervisors.  Washington, D.C.: College and University Personnel Association, 1988.  ISBN: 0-910402-82-5. This became a standard reference guide in higher education for many years.

  • Miller, Richard I., Editor.  Evaluating Major Components of Two-Year Colleges.  Washington, D.C.: College and University Personnel Association, 1988.  ISBN: 0-910402-81-7.

  • Cottrill, Richard A. and Associates.  A Practical Guide to the Employment Function.  Washington, D.C.: College and University Personnel Association, 1987.  ISBN: 0-910402-80-9.

  • Fortunato, Ray T. and Elliot, James M.  A Handbook for Developing Higher Education Personnel Policies.  Washington, D.C.: College and University Personnel Association, 1987.  ISBN: 0-910402-79-5.

Dr. Daniel J. Julius

Rutgers University, School of Management and Labor Relations

Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School of Management

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