Opinions/ Editorials
"Follow the Leader: What does effective decision-making look like in the museum environment" Museum Magazine, American Alliance of Museums, September/October, 2024
"Undergraduate Unionization Comes to Campus" (with N. DiGiovanni.) Academic Leader, February 5, 2024.
“Reengagement with Chinese Institutions of Higher Education.” Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, March/April 2023.
“Can Collective Bargaining be Improved." Change: The Magazine for Higher Learning. September/October 2022.
“Academic Standards and Grade Inflation: Then and Now." The Academic Forum (NJCU Arts and Science Journal), Fall 2020.
"Critique of Confucius Institutes was Off Base." Letter to the Editor, Response to P. Wood's (National Association of Scholars) Critique of Confucius Institutes on U.S. Campuses, The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 24, 2018.
“The Policy Implications of Quality Instruction.” Change: The Magazine for Higher Learning. September/October 2017, pp. 20-21.
“Good Financial Stewardship Means Fulfilling our Educational Mission.” Education Dive, www.educationdive.com/news/good-financial-stewardship-means-fulfilling-our-educational-mission/438692/, March 22, 2017; Reprinted in University Business, March 2017.
“Why We Collect Things: Collecting and Collectors.” The Academic Forum (NJCU Arts and Sciences Journal); Winter 2017.
“On Being a Provost: Four Simple Truths about a Complex Role.” The Evolllution, December 2, 2016.
“How to Exercise Influence and Implement Ideas in Colleges and Universities." The Evolllution, June 22, 2016.
“Will Universities Lock Out Athletes.” Editorial, Inside Higher Education, April 2014.
“The Future of Faculty Unions in the Academic Workplace.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, Section B, July 29, 2011.
"Faculty Unions: A Labor of Love.” Commentary, The Chronicle of Higher Education, July 3, 2011.
“When Systems Evolve.” Editorial, Inside Higher Education. June 3, 2011.
“Graduation Kotzebue: the Arctic.” Editorial, Inside Higher Education, June, 2011.
“Collecting Keys: A Lifelong Pursuit.” The Antique Lock Collector, 32(1): 20-23, January 2010.
“3 Key Issues in Exchanges with China.” Commentary, The Chronicle of Higher Education. September 4, 2009, pp. A53-54.
“Collaboration by Chinese, US Scholars More Vital than Ever.” Editorial in Shanghai Daily. Wednesday, April 8, 2009, p. 6.
“Golden Heart, Big Apple – Closer than you think.” Editorial, Fairbanks Daily News Miner. Sunday, February 2, 2008, p. F3.
“Will Universities Lock Out Students.” Academe, 90(1): 34-37, January-February 2004.
“Rules versus Exceptions: A Delicate Balancing Act for the Human Resources Administrator.” The Department Chair, 13(4), Spring 2003.
“Which Leaders Wield Power and Influence.” University Manager, Spring 2001.
“A Memorandum from Nicollo Machiavelli to Presidents and Senior Administrators.” University Manager, 6(2): 16-19, Spring 1998.
"Evaluating High School Sports." Editorial, The Marin Independent Journal, January 26, 1998.
“Lessons from Hurricane Andrew: Managing Disaster Management.” Editorial San Francisco Chronicle, Saturday, July 30, 1992.
“Labor Has Lost Its Clout In the Electoral Process.” Editorial, San Francisco Chronicle, Monday, April 13, 1992.
“Managing Academic Departments.” The Departmental Advisor, 7(2) 4-8, Winter 1991. (Published in conjunction with Higher Education Executive Publications and the American Council on Education).
“New Imperatives for a Labor-Management Dialogue.” Editorial, San Francisco Chronicle, Monday, September 3, 1990.
“Walking the Invisible Line: Collective Bargaining and the Department Chairperson.” The Departmental Advisor, 5(1): 4-8, 1989. (Published in conjunction with Higher Education Executive Publications and the American Council on Education.)