Scholarly Presentations
Forthcoming, Annual Conferences, Albuquerque and Los Angeles, May 2025. Association of Children's Museums and American Alliance of Museums. Presentations on leading and managing mission driven cultural organizations in challenging times.
Forthcoming, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, March 2025, Webinar Leader on Effective Institutional Advocacy.
Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) Annual Conference. New York City, June 2024. Panel Organizer and Discussant, "Collective Bargaining and Unionization with Graduate Students in Colleges and Universities"
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, March 20, 2024. Webinar Leader. "Effective Strategies for Advocacy in Colleges and Universities"
Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) Annual Conference. Detroit Michigan, June 2023. Panel Discussant: “Institutional Change in Higher Education: International and Comparative Perspectives on Transformations in Universities."
American Alliance of Museums, CEO Summit, Denver Colorado, May 2023. Session Leader, “Leading and Managing in the Post Pandemic Museum Workplace.”
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, March 22, 2023, Webinar Leader, “Effective Communication Skills and the Politics of Leadership."
Northwest Medical and Dental Association. Sun Valley, Idaho. February 2022. Invited Presentation, "The Impact of Unions on Health Care Delivery in the U.S." CME Credit Awarded.
University of Idaho, Idaho Asia Society, November 1, 2021 (Virtual). From Missionary Education to Confucius Institutes; Historical Reflections on Sino-American Exchange. Panel Discussant/Presenter on the “Rise and Fall of Confucius Institutes in the U.S.”
Forty-Eighth Annual Conference, National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions. City University of New York, New York City (Virtual). April 2021. Panel Convener, "New Approaches to Collective Bargaining in Higher Education."
Montpellier Business School, Montpellier France. March 2020. Invited Lecture “A Progress Report on the U.S. Political Environment: Major Issues Impacting the Election in 2020”
Northwest Medical and Dental Association, Sun Valley, Idaho. February 2020. Invited Presentation “Research Integrity in the Health Sciences.” CME Credit Awarded.
Universidad Catolica de Murcia, Spain. November 2020-. Lecturer, International MBA Program. North American/European Relations.
University of Petra, Indonesia. April 2020. Invited lecturer, "Leadership in Higher Education."
Ulster University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. October 2019. Invited Lecture “Research Methodology in Human Resources Management”
Conference, International Conference on the Workforce of the Future: Exploring Global Perspectives. London, England. July 2019. Invited Plenary Presentation: “Collective Bargaining and Global Challenges”. Sponsored by the Commonwealth Association of Higher Education Employers, Australian and Canadian Higher Education Employers Association. July 2019
Forty-Sixth Annual Conference, National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions. City University of New York, New York City, April 2019. Invited Panel Session: “Collective Bargaining and Social Justice.”
Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China in association with the Baidu Corporation. Beijing, China, November 2018. Invited Presentation/Discussant: “The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Education.”
Annual Conference, Academy of Academic Personnel Administrators. Clearwater, Florida, November 2018. Invited Discussant: “Social Justice and Collective Bargaining.”
Portland State University. Portland, Oregon, September 2018. Oregon-China Conference on Culture, Language and Business. Invited Plenary Session: “The Current State of U.S.-Sino Relationships and Higher Education.”
Annual Conference, 70th Annual Meeting of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA). Baltimore, Maryland, June 2018. Invited Presentation: “A Fifty Year Retrospective on Collective Bargaining in Higher Education.”
Forty-Fifth Annual Conference, National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions. City University of New York, New York City, April 2018. Panel Member/Discussant “Unionization of Adjunct Faculty at Private Colleges and Universities”.
Annual Winter Meeting, American Association of State Colleges and Universities. San Antonio, Texas, February 2018. Invited Presentation: “Restructuring Student-Faculty-Administration Engagement at New Jersey City University: A Preliminary Report”. (Presented with NJCU Associate Provost, Dr. Nurdan Aydin). Invited Presentation/Seminar: “Faculty and Staff Unionization: What Provosts Should Know.”
Ministry of Higher Education, People’s Republic of China in Association with U.S. Confucius Institutes. Washington, D.C., December 2017. Invited Presentation: “The Role of Confucius Institutes in U.S. Higher Education”
Annual Conference, Higher Education HR/IR International Conference on the Workforce of the Future: Exploring Global Perspectives. Sydney, Australia, May 2017. Invited Plenary Presentation: “Collective Bargaining in U.S. Higher Education”. Sponsored by the Australian Higher Education Industrial Association. Invited Panel Chair; “Governance and Unions: Challenges and Opportunities”.
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU). Washington, D.C., April 2017. Panel Chair; Act on the Dream Summit Plenary Session: “Impact of DACA in Higher Education.”
Forty-Fourth Annual Conference, National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, City University of New York. New York City, March 2017. Plenary Panel Member; “Graduate Student Employees: Collective Bargaining after the NLRB’s Columbia University Decision”. Panel discussion summarized in Daily Labor Report, Bureau of National Affairs, March 27, 2017.
Annual Conference, 11th Global Confucius Institute. Kunming, China, December 2016. Invited discussant by Chinese Ministry of Higher Education, Presidents’ Forum: “Best Practices in Assessment Applied to Confucius Institutes in the U.S.”
Annual Conference, NJEDge.net Board of Trustees. Princeton, New Jersey, November 2016. Invited Plenary Session: “Can We Promote Good Digital Citizenship, Safeguard Academic Freedom and Comply with Federal Legislation?”
Annual Conference, Academy of Academic Personnel Administrators. Clearwater, Florida, November 2016. Invited discussant: “Major Topics in Collective Bargaining on Campuses Today.”
University of Macerata, 10th Annual China Goes Global Conference. Macerata, Italy, July 2016. Invited Presentation and Panel Chair: “China’s Globalization and the Development of Confucius Institutes.”
Annual Conference, American Association of State Colleges and Universities. Austin, Texas, February 2016. Invited discussant: “Inter-institutional Cooperation and Student Success Initiatives: Can We Replicate Success Across Institutional Boundaries”. (Presented with J. H. Fredrick and Rhonda Gonzales from the University of Texas, San Antonio, and Karen Morgan, NJCU.)
Immaculata University. Immaculata, Pennsylvania, June 2016 and July 2014. Invited presentation for doctoral seminar on higher education: “The Impact of Industrial Labor Relations on Colleges and Universities.”
Annual Conference, 10th Global Confucius Institute. Shanghai, China, December 2015. Invited discussant by Chinese Ministry of Higher Education, Presidents Forum: “Evaluating Qualitative Outcomes of Confucius Institutes.”
Shenyang Normal University. Shenyang, People’s Republic of China, August 2015. Invited Presentation: “The Evolution of the Research University in the U.S.: Implications for the PRC.”
Fudan University. Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, September 2015. Invited as Distinguished Lecturer to present on “The Changing Nature of Undergraduate and Graduate Education.”
Annual Conference, Academy of Academic Personnel Administrators. Clearwater, Florida, November 2015. Invited Presentation: “The Cyclical Nature of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education.”
Annual Summer Conference, American Association of State Colleges and Universities. Portland, Oregon, July 2015. Invited Presentation: “Collective Bargaining in Higher Education: Implications for Senior Academic Leaders.” (Faculty, American Academic Leadership Institute for New Provosts)
Fortieth, Forty-First and Forty-Second Annual Conference, National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, City University of New York. New York City, April 2013-2015. Convener of Annual Panel Presentation: “The Year in Review: Major Trends in Labor and Higher Education.”
Annual Conference, NJEDge.net Board of Trustees. Princeton, New Jersey, November 2014. Invited Presentation: “A View from the Top: The Future of Technology and Information Resources in Colleges and Universities.”
Annual Conference, Canadian Association of Business Officers, Faculty Bargaining Services, in conjunction with the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (United Kingdom) and the Australian Higher Education Industrial Association. Vancouver, Canada, October 2014. Invited Presentation: “Moving from Confrontation to Collaboration: Labor Unions and Universities.”
Sup de Co., Montpellier, Graduate School of Management. Montpellier, France, June 2014. Invited Presentation: “Developing Sustainable Universities.”
Cornell University, ILR School. Ithaca, New York, September 2013. Invited as Affiliated Faculty; Seminar for ILR faculty and graduate students: “The State of Research on Collective Bargaining in Higher Education.”
University of California, Berkeley, Center for Studies in Higher Education. Berkeley, California, January 2013. Seminar for faculty and graduate students: “Collective Bargaining in Higher Education: The Resolved and Unresolved Research Questions; 1966-2012.”
Shenyang Jianzhou University. Shenyang, People’s Republic of China, 2013. Invited Presentation: “Essential Qualities of Teachers.”
University of Florida. Gainesville, Florida, 2013. Invited Presentation: “Collective Bargaining: Common Questions and Issues that Arise During Negotiations in Research Universities.”
Shenyang Normal University. Shenyang, People’s Republic of China, 2013. Invited Presentation: “Teacher Training in the U.S.: Best Practices and Issues to Consider.”
University of Oregon. Eugene, Oregon, 2013. Invited Presentation: “When Campuses Choose Collective Bargaining.”
Annual Conference, Academy of Academic Personnel Administrators. Clearwater, Florida, October 2012. Keynote Presentation: “Academic Unions and Constraints on Leadership in the Academy.”
Annual Conference, Canadian Association of College and University Business Officers. Toronto, Canada, October 2012. Panel Presentation: “Comparative Perspectives on Labor Relations in Higher Education.”
Thirty-Ninth Annual Conference, National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, City University of New York. New York City, April 2012. Keynote presentation: “A 50 Year Retrospective on the Impact of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education”
Hohai University, Asia Organization Development Summit. Nanjing, People’s Republic of China, 2011. Invited Presentation: “Leadership: Strategies for Sustained Success.”
Shenyang Normal University. Shenyang, People’s Republic of China, 2011. Invited Presentation: “American and Chinese Culture and Character: A Comparison”.
Annual Conference, American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, California, December 2011. Keynote presentation: “Developing an Academic Career Path in the Sciences”. Given to the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists and the Permafrost Young Researchers Network.
Sup de Co., Montpellier, Graduate School of Management. Montpellier, France, July 2010. Invited Presentation: “The Challenges of Innovation and the Accommodation of Change.”
Thirty-Seventh Annual Conference, National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions. City University of New York, New York City, April 2010. Panel Presentation: “Current Issues Framing Collective Bargaining in Higher Education.” These remarks were later framed as an editorial and featured (with four other national experts asked to comment) in a special issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education devoted to “The Academic Workplace”, see, “ Special Forum; The Future of Faculty Unions” July 29, 2011.
Annual Conference, International Education, Sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Education, UNESCO Asia Pacific network for International Cooperation, and the Chinese Education Association for Scholarly Exchange. Beijing, China, March 2010. Invited Presentation: “Cross Border Student Mobility: Implications of a Differentiated Curriculum.”
Annual Conference, International Education, Sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Education and China Education Association for International Exchange. Beijing, China, October 2009. Invited Session: “Continuing Education Initiatives in the People’s Republic of China and U.S.”
Annual Conference, Canadian College and University Business Officers. University of Ottawa, Canada, June 2009. Invited Presentation: “Evaluating Due Diligence with International Partners in China.”
Thirty-Sixth Annual Conference, National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions. City University of New York, New York City, April 2009. Panel Presentation: “Collective Bargaining in Higher Education: The More or Less Resolved and Unresolved Research Questions; 1968-2008.”
University of Alaska Southeast and University of Alaska Faculty Alliance. Juneau, Alaska, April 2009. Presentation: “Models of Shared Governance.”
State of Alaska, Statewide Education Summit. Juneau, Alaska, October 2008. Invited Speaker: “The State of Higher Education in Alaska.”
Annual Summer Conference, Association of Public Land Grant Universities, Commission on International Programs. Portsmouth, New Hampshire, July 2008. Invited Presentation: “Expanding Research Partnerships Between China and the U.S.”
Universidad Catolica San Antonio. Murcia, Spain, June 2008. Keynote Speaker: “The Coming U.S. Election and Future Relations with Europe.” Interviewed on Spanish National Television (Popular TV) in Murcia, Spain, June 2008.
Annual Conference, University System Chief Academic Officers. University of California, Berkeley, May 2008. Invited Presentation: “Successful Systemwide Initiatives: The Case of Student Success.”
Annual Meeting, Northwest Academic Forum. Boise, Idaho, April 2008. Invited Panel Presentation: “How to Promote Globalization of U.S. Campuses.”
Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang, China, December 2007. Invited Presentation: “The Culture of Universities in the U.S. and China.”
Sup de Co., Montpellier, Graduate School of Management, Montpellier, France, July 2007. Invited Presentation: “Globalization and Democratization: Compatible or Contradictory?”
Second Annual Foreign University President’s Forum, Sponsored by the People’s Republic of China, Liaoning Provincial Government, June 2007. Invited Seminar: “The Relationship of the American University to Economic Development.”
Annual Meeting, Asian Productivity Organization, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2007. Invited Seminar: “The Social Dimensions of Productivity in International Business.”
Thirty-Fourth Annual National Conference, The National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Publications, New York City, April 2007. Invited Presentation: “Research Trends in Industrial Labor Relations.”
International Labor Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, August 2006. Discussant: “International Academic Partnerships.”
Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang, China, August 2006. Invited Presentation: “U.S.-China Relations and the Impact on Higher Education.”
DuPage Society for Human Resources Management, Naperville, Illinois, July 2006. Invited Presentation: “Executive Skill Building: What the Research Suggests.”
Thirty-Third Annual Conference, The National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, New York City, April 2006. Invited Presentation: “Can We Assess the Impact of Collective Bargaining on Governance and Related Decision-Making Processes.”
Annual Conference, Northwest Medical Association, Sun Valley, Idaho, February 2006. Invited Presentation: “Factors that Determine How Students Select Colleges.”
University of Notre Dame, Conference on Ex Corde Eccleasias, South Bend, Indiana, June 2005. Invited Presentation: “The Implementation of Ex Corde Eccleasias in Catholic Universities.”
Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang, China, April 2005. Invited Presentation: “Why American and Chinese Universities Seek Partnerships.”
Calumet College of St. Joseph, Calumet, Indiana, April 2005. Invited Presentation: “Maintaining Shared Governance in Religiously Affiliated Colleges and Universities.”
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan, January 2005. Invited Seminar: “Enhancing Collective Bargaining Processes in the Public University.”
Annual Conference, National Association of College and University Attorneys, Orlando, Florida, 2005. Invited Presentation: “Assessing Collective Bargaining in Higher Education.”
Annual Conference, Academy of Academic Personnel Administrators, Clearwater, Florida, October 2004. Invited Presentation: “Career Mobility and the Labor Relations Professional.”
University Catolica De Murcia San Antonio, Murcia, Spain, July 2004. Invited University Lecture: “The View of Europe from the U.S. and Contemporary Issues that Shape that View.”
Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, April 2004. Discussant: “Partnerships between Japanese and American Universities.”
Annual Conference, Midwest Academy of Management, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 2004. Invited Showcase Presentation: “The Appreciative Leader in an Academic Setting.”
Annual Conference, Northwest Medical Association, Sun Valley, Idaho, February 2004. Invited Presentation: “Can Health Care Professionals Exercise More Effective Managerial Control.”
American College at Thessaloniki, Greece, 2004. Invited Presentation: “The Evolution of Faculty Governance at U.S. Institutions of Higher Education.”
Annual Conference, Canadian Association of College and University Business Officers, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 2003. Invited Presentation: “Conflict Management and Resolution.”
University of Western Ontario, Canada, June 2003. Invited Presentation: “Conflict Management and Resolution.”
University of California, Office of the President. Oakland, California, June 2003. Invited Presentation: “Performance Appraisal Systems in Higher Education: Processes and Outcomes.”
Victoria University, Toronto, Canada, June 2003. Invited Presentations: “Administrative Effectiveness in Academic Environments; Performance Appraisal Systems in Higher Education: Processes and Outcomes.”
University of California, Berkeley, Center for Studies in Higher Education, Berkeley, California, May 2003. Invited Presentation: “The Status of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education.”
Thirty-First Annual Conference, National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, New York City, April 2003. Plenary Session Presentation: “Is Academic Unionization a Unique Phenomenon?”
University of California, Berkeley, Center for Studies in Higher Education, Berkeley, California, March 2003. Invited Presentation: “Graduate Student Unionization: Causes and Consequences.”
University of Wales, Annual Conference of U.K. College and University Human Resources Professionals, Bangor, Wales, September 2002. Invited Presentation: “Power and Influence in Academic Environments: A North American Perspective.”
University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 2002. Invited Presentation/Seminar: “Understanding University Culture in a Multinational and Global World.”
University of Alaska System, Fairbanks, Alaska, February 2002. Invited Presentation: “Best Academic Management Practices in State Systems.”
Stanford University, Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research Seminar Series, Palo Alto, California, January 2002. Invited Presentation: “Graduate Student Unionization.”
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, January 2002. Invited Presentation/Seminar: “Maintaining Systems of Shared Governance in Universities.”
Annual Conference, International Human Resources Management Association, Barcelona, Spain, June 2001. Invited Presentation: “Pedagogical and Methodological Approaches to the Study of Human Resources Across Cultures.”
Annual Conference, Academy of Academic Personnel Administrators, Clearwater, Florida, October 2000. Invited Presentation: “Proactive Administration in the Labor-Management Context.”
State of the World Forum and UN Millennium Conference, New York City, September 2000. Invited Discussant: “Business Ethics, Leadership and Corporate Governance in Action.”
Oregon State System of Higher Education, Portland, Oregon, July 2000. Invited Presentation: “The Evolution of Human Resources Managers in State Systems of Higher Education.”
Ministry of Higher Education, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, November 1999. Invited Presentation: “The Development of Teachers Colleges in Emerging Market Economies.”
York University, Toronto, Canada, October 1999. Invited Presentations: “The Principled Use of Power and Influence in Universities; Ethical Decision Making Practices in Colleges and Universities.”
Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference, The National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, New York City, April 1999. Seminar Presentation: “The Context of Graduate Student Unionization.”
First Annual Conference, University Business Magazine, Forum on Distance Learning, New York City, April 1999. Invited Presentation: “Barriers to Advancing Distance Learning in Higher Education.”
University of California, Office of the President, Oakland, California, February 1999. Invited Presentation: “Structuring Complex Systems to Accommodate Graduate Student Unionization.”
University of Windsor/Human Resources Association of Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, May 1998. Invited Seminar and Presentation: “The Principled Use of Power and Influence in Universities; Ethical Decision Making Practices in Colleges and Universities.”
Tel Hai College, Northern Galilee, Israel, March 1998. Invited Presentation: “Building Academic Exchange Programs and Developing College-Business Alliances.”
Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada, March 1998. Invited Presentation: “The Principled Use of Power and Influence in Universities.”
Coro Foundation, San Francisco, California, February 1998. Guest Speakers Series: “Labor Ideology and its Practical Manifestations in the Workplace.”
University of Manitoba (Faculty Presentation through the Center for Higher Education Research and Development), Vancouver, Toronto and Banff, Canada, December 1997, 1999. Invited Presentations: “Enhancing Influence for Administrators in a System of Collegial Decision-Making”; “Power and Influence in Universities.”
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, November 1997. Invited Presentation: “The Principled Use of Power and Influence in Universities”. Returned as Discussant through Continuing Education Management Series, 1998-2003.
International Labour Organization, International Institute for Labour Relations, Geneva, Switzerland, September 1997. Invited Discussant: “Conference on Social Transformation and Enterprise Performance.”
Golden Gate Bridge Authority, San Francisco, California, August 1997. Seminar: “Team Building, Conflict Resolution: Opportunities for Executives.”
Regis University, Denver, Colorado, April 1997. Presidential Lecture Series: “Ethical Practices in Higher Education Administration: A Case Study Approach.”
City University, University and College Employers Association and Consortium of English and Scottish Universities, London, United Kingdom, March 1997. Invited Lecture: “Decentralization Processes in Labor Relations: Experiences in the U.S. and Europe.”
Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland, March 1997. Invited Presentation: “Ethics and Administrative Decision-Making in Higher Education.”
University of Illinois, Continuing Management Education Distinguished Speaker Series, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, December 1996. Invited Lecture: “Enhancing Influence for Administrators in a System of Collegial Decision-Making.”
Annual Conference, College and University Personnel Association, San Diego, California, October 1996. Seminar Presentation: “New Approaches to an Old Issue: Ethics and Management.”
Annual Conference, Academy of Academic Personnel Administrators, Clearwater, Florida, October 1996. Invited Presentation: “Power in Complex Organizations: Implications for Practitioners.”
City University, London, United Kingdom, August 1996. Invited Presentation: “Ethics and Human Resources Management.”
Annual Conference, Canadian Association of College and University Business Officers, Whistler, British Columbia, June 1996 (hosted by University of British Columbia). Invited Pre-Conference Seminar: “Enhancing Influence for Administrators in a System of Collegial Decision-Making.”
Annual Meeting, National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence, Los Angeles, California, June 1996. Invited Presentation: “Strategic Planning and Marketing Concepts for the Not-for-Profit Sector.”
Annual Conference, International Human Resources Management Association, San Diego, California, May 1996. Invited Presentation: “Pedagogical Approaches to the Study of Ethics and Management Decision-Making.”
Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference, National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, New York City, April 1996. Keynote Speaker: “Industrial Labor Relations Practices in American Colleges and Universities: Assessing the First Thirty Years.”
University of California, Berkeley, Institute for International Studies, Berkeley, California, February 1996. Seminar Presentation: “Industrial Labor Relations Practices in American and French Industry.”
University of New Brunswick, Canada, New Brunswick, Canada, November 1995. Seminar Presentation: “Creating Ethical Environments in Higher Education; Strategic Planning, Governance and Policy Design.”
University of Limerick, Ireland, 1995. Seminar Presentation: “The Evolution of Human Resources in U.S. Institutions of Higher Education.”
Manitoba Human Resources Association, Manitoba, Canada, October 1995. Seminar Presentation: “Strategic Planning in Human Resources Management.”
University of Manitoba (Center for Higher Education Research and Development), Nova Scotia, Canada, June 1995. Seminar Coordinator: “International Perspectives on Trends in Higher Education Administration.”
Public Employment Relations Board, San Francisco, California, June 1995. Expert Witness: Testimony for hearing concerning graduate student unionization. Testified on national trends and outcomes in unionization among graduate students.
Annual Conference, College and University Personnel Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October 1994. Invited Presentation: “Value Formation and Ethics in the Human Resources Profession.”
University of California, San Francisco Medical Center, Business Officers Management Association, San Francisco, California, October 1994. Colloquium Series Lecture: “Building Work Teams in Universities and Medical Schools.”
First National Videoconference on Black Issues in Higher Education, Washington, D.C., October 1994. Panel Discussant: “Creative Ways of Finding and Keeping Faculty of Color.”
First Annual Conference, Association of Commonwealth Universities, Manchester, England, September 1994. Seminar Presentation: “Comparative Perspectives on Human Resources Management in American and English Universities.”
University of Northumbria at Newcastle, Newcastle, England, September 1994. Invited Lecture: “Developing Efficient Administrative Models in American and English Universities.”
College and University Personnel Association, Vancouver, Canada, August 1994. Seminar Coordinator: “Association Governance and Organizational Efficiency.”
Shanghai Institute of Public Administration and Human Resources, Shanghai, China, August 1994. Seminars: “Comparative Labor Relations Strategies and Tactics”; “Comparative Perspectives on Human Resources Management in American and Chinese Institutions.”
Shanghai University, International School of Business, Shanghai, China, August 1994. Invited lectures: “American Industrial Labor Relations Systems and Human Resources Management Practices.”
University of San Francisco, Faculty Colloquium Series, McLaren School of Business, San Francisco, California, May 1994. Seminar Presentation: “Theoretical and Applied Concepts of Power in Academic Organizations.”
Eastern Regional Conference, College and University Personnel Association, Annapolis, Maryland, March 1994. Seminar Presentation: “Practical and Theoretical Perspectives on Power in Academic Organizations.”
Annual Conference, College and University Personnel Association, Washington, D.C., February 1994. Invited Presentation: “Managing a Part-Time Workforce.”
Regional Conference, American Arbitration Association, Sacramento, California, January 1994. Invited Presentation: “Industrial Relations Systems.”
Annual Conference, College and University Personnel Association, Chicago, Illinois, August 1993. Invited Presentation: “The Management of Conflict and Power in Colleges and Universities.”
Stanford University, School of Engineering, Department of Engineering Management, Stanford, California, May 1993. Graduate Seminar: “Theoretical and Practical Perspectives on Negotiations Processes.”
Marymount College, Symposium on Human Resources Management, Los Angeles, California, February 1993. Invited Lecture: “Managing Power in Academic Organizations.”
University of New Hampshire, Whittemore School of Business and Economics, Durham, New Hampshire, September 1992. Invited Lecture: “Industrial Relations Systems and the Practice of Management.”
University of Southern Maine, Goram, Maine, September 1992. Invited Lecture: “Emerging Issues in Human Resource Management.”
Regional Conference, American Arbitration Association, San Francisco, California, May 1992. Invited Presentation: “Theory and Practice in Industrial Labor Relations Systems.”
Eastern Regional Conference, College and University Personnel Association, Newport, Rhode Island, April 1992. Keynote Address: “Future Directions in Human Resources Management in Academe.”
Annual Conference, College and University Personnel Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 1991. Presentation: “The Management of Conflict and Power in Colleges and Universities.”
Columbia University, Graduate School of Business, New York City, July 1991. Invited speaker for University memorial in honor of Margaret K. Chandler, Professor of Management (deceased June 1991).
Stanford University, Center for the Study of Higher Education, Stanford, California, May 1991. Invited Lecture: “Conflict Resolution and Unionization in Higher Education: Research Trends.”
University of California, Berkeley, School of Business, Berkeley, California, April 1991. Invited Lecture: “Managing Conflict in Complex Organizations.”
Nineteenth Annual Conference, The National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California, March 1991. Facilitator, institutional co-host, moderator of sessions on governance and unionization.
National Telecommunications Conference, College and University Personnel Association, Washington, D.C., December 1990. Invited Presentation: “Innovation in Conflict Resolution and Labor Management Relations.”
Annual Conference, College and University Personnel Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 1990. Seminar: “Structuring the Human Resource Function to Accommodate Conflict Resolution.”
Oregon State System of Higher Education, Eugene, Oregon, November 1989. Seminar for system-wide administrators: “Structuring the Human Resource Function for Effective Outcomes.”
Bureau of National Affairs, National Conference on Labor Relations in Health Care Institutions, Washington, D.C., October 1989. Invited Presentation: “Trends in Unionization, Labor Relations Strategies and Effective Human Resource Administration in Health Care Organizations.”
Annual Conference, College and University Personnel Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 1989. Invited Presentation: “Professional Effectiveness in Colleges and Universities.”
Northwest Regional Conference, College and University Personnel Association, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, May 1988. Invited Seminar: “Conflict Resolution and Strategic Planning.”
University of California, San Diego, Labor Relations Conference, San Diego, California, April 1988. Invited Presentation: “Institutional Responses to Conflict.”
Northwest Regional Conference, College and University Personnel Association, Anchorage, Alaska, May 1987. Invited Presentation: “Managing Wrongful Terminations and the Progressive Discipline Process.”
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, January 1987. Invited Lecture: “Unionism in Higher Education: Collective Bargaining Outcomes.”
Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference, International Association of University Law Enforcement Administrators, San Diego, California, June 1985. Invited Presentation: “Managing Unionized Public Security and Law Enforcement Personnel.”
Thirteenth Annual National Conference, The National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, New York City, April 1985. Invited Presentation: “Governance in Unionized Colleges and Universities.”
Sixty-Fifth Annual Meeting, American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, San Diego, California, April 1985. Invited Presentation: “Governance and Collective Bargaining in Community and Junior Colleges.”
Western Association of School and Colleges, Senior Commission, San Francisco, California, December 1984. Invited Lecture: “Academic Unionization and its Relationship to the Accrediting Process and Accreditation Standards.”
American Education Research Association, Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Francisco, California, October 1984. Invited Presentation: “Managing the University of the Future.” (Division J, Post-Secondary Education AERA/ASHE) See, Higher Education Abstracts, 0299-21 ISUB, 1984.
Annual Conference, College and University Personnel Association, Portland, Oregon, August 1984. Seminar: “Research Findings on Contract Analysis and Managerial Strategies in Unionized Institutions.”
San Francisco State University, Asilomar, California, January 1984. Invited Presentation: “Collegial Governance and Collective Bargaining.”
Western Regional Meeting, California and Pacific Southwest Park and Recreation Educators, Asilomar, California, November 1983. Invited Presentation: “Unionization and Professionalism in the Recreation Industry.”
Annual Meeting, Western Association of College and University Business Officers, Spokane, Washington, May 1983. Invited Seminar: “Employee Unionization and its Impact on Budgeting and Financial Management in Universities.”
Annual Meeting, Modern Language Association, Los Angeles, California, December 1982. Invited Presentation: “Adjunct Faculty, Conflict Resolution and Unionization.”
Vermont Labor Relations Board/U.S. Department of Labor, Rutland, Vermont, August 1980. Served as a mock negotiation team leader at a workshop for public sector personnel professionals.
Eighth Annual Conference, The National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, New York City, April 1980. Invited Presentation: “The Scope of Bargaining and its Impact on Governance in Colleges and Universities.”
Annual Meeting, Industrial Relations Research Association, Atlanta, Georgia, December 1979. Invited Presentation: “Labor Unions and Management Rights in Colleges and Universities.”
Annual Meeting, American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada, March 1978. Invited Presentation: “Labor Unions and Governance in Professional Schools (law, medicine, dentistry).”
Fifth Annual Conference, The National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, New York City, April 1977. Invited Presentation: “Faculty Unions and Management Rights.”
Annual Meeting, Association for the Study of Higher Education, Chicago, Illinois, March 1977. Invited Presentation: “Demographic and Institutional Determinants of Collective Negotiations in Higher Education.
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, November 1975. Invited Presentation: “The Role of Students and Faculty in Unionized Universities.”