Senior Fellow, Center for Global Work and Employment, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University (2022–)
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, is an R1 land-grant institution, ranked 41st in the U.S., in the top 15 of all U.S. public research institutions, and scores148 on the Best Global University scale. Rutgers enrollment is 50,617 undergraduate and graduate students, with 2300 full-time faculty, and an annual operating budget of $5.6 billion. The School of Management and Labor Relations is one of the premier schools of its kind in the world, with 10 research centers, 14 degree and research areas, and 55 full-time faculty. The Center for Global Work and Employment is comprised of faculty who conduct research on a variety of workforce and labor relations issues. A Working Paper Series is published by the Center
Initiate, develop and manage leadership programs for executive's and upper middle managers of mission driven cultural institutions; museums, botanical gardens, aquariums, zoos and other comparable organizations.
Serve as liaison with board members of associations of mission driven cultural organizations to develop, market and promote leadership programs including recruitment of faculty, curricular development and program evaluation.
Engage in research, publishing and consulting activities in the areas of leadership, labor management relations, and human resources.
Collaborate with departmental and school faculty on various research projects.